Redwood Day is an independent, diverse K-8 school   |   510.534.0800

Plan for Power Outages

Concern/Question Response
The phones, internet, and servers will be down during a power outage. How will we communicate?
  • We currently own a generator that can keep our phones and servers up and running for a period of time
  • If this system fails for any reason, we have a landline phone (510-534-0806)
If school personnel need to call 911, what will they do?
  • With the generator, our phone line should be active
  • As a redundancy, we have a landline phone (510-534-0806) for limited usage during an outage
What will the school do regarding restroom access and safety?
  • We purchased lanterns for numerous restroom locations throughout campus
  • Specific restrooms throughout campus will be closed
When we don’t have electricity, we also don’t have heat. What if it is a cold day?
  • We will close school if the temperature is predicted to be 59 degrees or below during a power outage
Can we use the PA (Public Announcement) System if there is an emergency?
  • We will make sure that the PA system receives generator power to work during an outage for as long as possible
I still haven’t updated my emergency contact information in the portal. Why am I asking this question? I should update my emergency contact information in the portal right now.
  • We don’t know why you are asking this question. You should update your emergency contact information in the portal right now.
Why can school stay open and X-Care is canceled?
  • During a power outage, we will put all of our resources toward ensuring that we can remain open during the regular school day. To avoid strain on our systems, we will need time to recharge, recuperate, etc.
  • As daylight savings time approaches, it will get darker on campus, sooner. We will be unable to properly supervise students without proper lighting.
Is security affected at the school during a power outage? Will the locked access points remain locked?
  • All of our entry points will remain locked during a power outage. The front door to the school will need to be opened manually.
Why can’t the school remain open during a multi-day power outage?
  • We are unsure if we can remain open during a multi-day power outage. Since we have not tried to stay open without power in the past, we will assess our systems and protocols after the first day and make a determination about subsequent days at that time.
If families do not have power at home, can absences or tardies be excused?
  • Yes. If you choose to keep your child at home during a power outage or you arrive at school late due to the outage, the school will consider these absences and tardies excused.
If school is closed for a day, will Redwood Day add a day to the school year at a later date?
  • Redwood Day is required to have a certain number of instructional days per the California Association of Independent Schools. For the 2019-20 school year, we included additional days in the school calendar to act as a "buffer" for unanticipated closures. If unanticipated closures cause us to go below the required number of instructional days, we will add days to the calendar later in the school year, as necessary.

3245 Sheffield Ave
Oakland, CA 94602