Outdoor Space
Our outdoor space plays an important role in our program, academically, socially, and physically. We have play yards in our Lower School and Middle School. We also border a large Oakland Public Park that we have access to during the school week. On any given day, students will utilize the outdoors for climbing, playing on swings (K-8!), running, wall ball, table tennis, basketball, soccer, digging and building in sand, climbing trees, and connecting with friends.
Our campus has two Gyms. One Gym is designed for K-3 students and the other is used by grades 4-8 as well as by our Middle School athletic teams for practices and game.
Besides regular K-5 garden classes, our Lower School and Middle School gardens are open at breaks and are utilized in service learning project. Students learn where food comes from, how to care for chickens, how to cook garden-fresh food, and how to care for our environment.
Our Library is home to an incredible collection of books and is a much-loved space within our community. Students may visit the Library during breaks, lunch, and K-5 students visit the Library as part of their weekly class schedule. The Library is a place to research, read for pleasure, learn about new genres and authors, make connections between subjects, and stretch our understanding of people and the world.