Redwood Day is an independent, diverse K-8 school | 510.534.0800
Legacy Giving
Welcome to Legacy Giving
Parents and guardians, alumni, alumni families, grandparents, and extended family:
Did you know?
You can make an impact on Redwood Day students and the School for generations to come - and it costs nothing now!
How is this possible?
Simply list Redwood Day as a beneficiary of your retirement account or your life insurance policy. Just log into your account and update your beneficiaries. Easy!
Or make Redwood Day, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, a beneficiary of yourwill or living trust.
Whether you choose to make a gift through a retirement account, insurance policy, or your will/living trust, you may choose to give a percentage or a specific amount – or make Redwood Day a “contingent” beneficiary.
You will still retain control over all your assets and have the flexibility to modify your plans at any time.
Let Us Know
Please fill out this form for Redwood Day so we ensure your gift is designated and fulfilled according to your wishes. We look forward to recognizing you as a member of our Redwood Day Legacy Society!
Please email or call 510-534-0804.
Redwood Day Tax ID Number and Legal Name
Redwood Day is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) corporation. Our tax identification number is 94-2289521 and our legal name is “Redwood Day School”.