Grade 7 Math is an advanced sequence of learning that supports a scope and sequence that prepares students for high school level Algebra I in Grade 8. Students are immersed in a learning environment that encourages students to meet mathematical challenges head on and where errors are viewed as learning opportunities. Through small group, whole group, and differentiated instruction, students apply mathematical concepts to a variety of real-world experiences. Students also learn mathematics through games and engaging real life activities. We use Big Ideas Math materials to guide students as they explore, learn, and apply skills while honing the mathematical practices/habits of mind. Students in Grade 7 deepen and build on concepts introduced in Grade 6 by applying knowledge of rational numbers, algebraic concepts, ratios, proportions and percent. Students are also introduced to concepts relating to data and statistics, probability, and geometry.
Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Math
Big Ideas Math program
Standards for Mathematical Practice to promote mathematical thinking and habits of mind
Balance between conceptual understanding (discovering why), procedural fluency (learning how), and application (knowing when to apply)
Learning progression that goes from surface to deeper levels then transfers to real-life situations
Promotion of a growth mindset
Metacognitive strategies to promote reflection, strategizing, and growth
Flexible small group instruction and scaffolding of concepts to provide extra support
Deeper conceptual understandings built through enrichment, challenging learning tasks, and projects to extend learning
Grade 7 Science focuses on biology where students explore cells, genetics, human body systems, ecology, and evolutionary theory. Across the year, students continue to expand their understanding and application of the Scientific Method, experimental design, and metric measurement. The year culminates with a STEAM project where students design a game to teach players about the functions and structures of different body systems.
In Grade 7 Drama and Public Speaking, students take a deeper dive into public speaking as they research, prepare, and present persuasive speeches on a variety of topics. Throughout the year students rehearse and perform short scenes by local and national playwrights where they develop skills such as character development, script analysis, and collaboration and teamwork. Improvisation and theatre games are infused throughout the year, allowing students to develop their skills in the core facets of “improv” (listening, creativity, and “yes, and...”). Units of study on superheroes and supervillains helps students study character development in an engaging and familiar medium. Students create original superheroes, sidekicks, and supervillains, and then write and present scenes and monologues featuring those original characters. The year culminates with students researching, rehearsing, and performing more advanced scenes from a variety plays and playwrights.
Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Drama and Public Speaking
Exploratory games
Growth mindsets
Collaboration and communication
Theatre terms and origins
Modeling and demonstration
Real-world contexts and audiences
Scenes, sketches, and improv
Creative character and scene development
Giving, receiving, and applying peer/teacher feedback
Physical Education in Grade 7 is where students build on previously learned movement skills with practical application to individual and team competitive activities and sports. The Middle School PE program focuses on developing movement and motor skills and social skills across a variety of movement activities. Students also learn to maintain a healthy lifestyle through individual and collaborative fitness components throughout the program, and they develop skills for communication, self-reflection, resiliency, empathy, leadership, and conflict resolution in a variety of physical activity settings. Class content and social emotional development are geared towards preparing students for their next challenge and promoting lifelong fitness.
Approaches to Teaching and Learning in PE
Cooperative, collaborative learning
A variety of games and activities
Learning stations
Indoor and outdoor learning/playing spaces
Social-emotional skills development
Scaffolded learning
Inclusive, equitable learning environments
A wide array of equipment to support skills acquisition
In Grade 7, DEIB concepts are developed across the academic program including within Social Emotional Learning, Advisory, and within Equity and Inclusion groups that focus on students examining their identities and understanding how their identities may impact their experiences. At this level, students deepen their exploration of self and awareness of others. Student learning centers on identifying what dominant culture looks like in our community and society and what it means to be part of/not part of the dominant culture. Learning is also focused on building empathy as defined by our Redwood Day values: caring about someone else’s feelings, caring about someone else’s experience, actively listening for understanding, and recognizing someone else’s perspective. Students may choose to participate in affinity groups based on gender identity, race, religion and sexual orientation.
In Grade 7 English, students are actively engaged in reading, discussing, and analyzing more complex literature and informational texts, including dystopian fiction, poetry, and argument texts via whole class and book club experiences. Students continue to use relevant evidence to support their analysis of texts, and they begin to incorporate more evidence to strengthen their points. Independent reading in Grade 7 continues to support and promote a lifelong love and habit for reading. In writing, students hone their narrative and expository writing techniques, and they develop clear and coherent writing to serve specific purposes and audiences. Creating cohesive, well-structured writing using relevant support and detail is a focus of writing in Grade 7 English while developing and expanding English language grammar and conventions.
Approaches to Teaching and Learning in English
Writing process
Real-world contexts, purposes, and audiences for writing
1-1 teacher and peer and feedback
Relevant, diverse, complex texts
Book clubs
Small and whole group discussion
Independent reading
Critical thinking and collaboration
Patterns of Power grammar and conventions instruction
Redwood Day offers language learning in Mandarin or Spanish designed for students learning an additional language who do not have native fluency in the language. Students are placed in the appropriate world language pathways based on class and placement assessments. New students to Redwood Day are assessed prior to or arrival for optimal placement.
Grade 7 Spanish
In Grade 7 Spanish, building on the foundations developed in Grade 6, a focus is on developing students’ fluency and accuracy while balancing learning that develops knowledge of Spanish grammar and Spanish-speaking cultures. Students engage in reading (including reading two class novels), writing, listening and speaking in almost every class period, and have opportunities to communicate in Spanish without an emphasis on perfection. Special attention is given to building vocabulary and understanding and incorporating more complex verbs into students’ working memory. Alongside the acquisition of more complex verbs, continued expansion of vocabulary using thematic units allows students the chance to comprehend more complex language, to express their own likes and dislikes, and to engage one another in more complex interactions in Spanish.
Grade 7 Advanced Spanish
Grade 7 Advanced Spanish is designed to target the four fundamental areas of foreign language study: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The primary objective is to concurrently enhance students’ fluency in verbal communication and deepen their understanding of Spanish grammar. The curriculum seamlessly blends both established and contemporary concepts with a specific emphasis on conjugating regular and irregular verbs in the present tense, stem-changing verbs in the present tense, and grasping the nuances between ser and estar. In addition to routine readings and comprehension assignments (including reading three novels across the year in the target language), there is increased emphasis on daily practice of conversational Spanish through class discussions and other interactive activities. Key learning objectives for the second semester include transitioning from present tense discussions to past tense discussions, with a specific focus on distinguishing between preterit and imperfect tenses. As a culminating project, students will research a Hispanic artist of their choice and present their findings and observations to the class, conducted entirely in Spanish.
Grade 7 Mandarin
In Grade 7 Mandarin, students continue to develop a solid foundation in all essential areas of Mandarin language learning that includes an increasing knowledge of tones, character strokes, radical parts, and the structure of Chinese characters. Students build their comprehension by using Mandarin fluently in real-life conversations about family, pets, body parts, the weather, colors, preferences for food and drinks, description of appearances, prepositions and classroom objects, and common Chinese foods. At this level, learners increase their fluency in listening and speaking and further develop their reading and writing skills in Mandarin to where students are able to read and write short paragraphs. Beyond language proficiency, students gain understanding of cultural topics through project-based learning experiences.
Approaches to Teaching and Learning in World Languages
Comprehensible input
Total Physical Response (TPR) techniques
Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS)
Middle School art provides students space to continue practicing, experimenting, and reflecting on their creative expression both technically and conceptually. Students are introduced to and reacquainted with a variety of mediums as well as a diverse group of artists. They are asked to think about the impact of art on society as they become more aware of their own impacts on their communities. Grade 7 students, in Visual Arts, build on their understanding and application of the Elements of Art and Principles of Design throughout the year, with a focus on Value and Emphasis. Starting with an India ink landscape, units of study move towards more structure through a charcoal still life and self-portrait using a grid to assist with proportion. Students then explore printmaking through the collagraph and linocut process.
Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Art
Diverse artist explorations
Expression of creativity through a variety of mediums
Grade 7 Wellness and Life Skills equips students with essential skills for personal growth, safety, and emotional well-being. Students learn how to recognize and address bullying and develop problem-solving and integrity-based decision-making skills. Topics include coping with stress, identifying warning signs of suicide and depression, navigating consent and harassment, and exploring the influences of peers, media, and culture on identity and beliefs. In ‘Media Literacy and Digital Citizenship,’ students explore concepts such as digital footprints, AI bias, and misinformation, and they learn the importance of seeking and evaluating multiple viewpoints and perspectives. The ‘Learning to Learn’ portion of this course focuses on brain anatomy and function, neuroplasticity, and understanding the value of neurodiversity and the strengths and challenges of common learning differences.
Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Wellness and Life Skills
Small and large group discussions
Community circle
Harkness discussion model
Guest speakers
Common Sense Media lessons
Relevant readings and viewings: articles and media
Outdoor Education takes students outside of the familiarity of the classroom, encourages them to undertake challenges that develop new skills, and connects learning beyond school walls. In April, Grade 7 students will go to YMCA Camp Jones Gulch in the Santa Cruz mountains. There, students will engage in activities that develop outdoor skills and team building, their understanding of redwood ecology, and they will learn about the Ohlone people and the human history of the area. Activities include hiking, canoeing, archery, ropes courses, team building challenges, and evening programs (astronomy, campfire). This experience is led by Naturalists at Large and chaperoned by the Grade 7 advisory team.
Grade 7 History focuses on world history and religion from approximately 500 to 1500 CE. Picking up where they left off in Grade 6, students study the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, European and Japanese feudalism, the spread of Islam, and West African Kingdoms. Particular attention is given to the structures of power in each society. In the spring, students engage in researching, designing, and creating a Remembrance Project where they explore memorials, monuments, and other public remembrances and how they symbolize historical people, events, and movements during the multi-week, interdisciplinary research and design project.
Throughout the year, students build historical analysis skills, including determining how geography impacts the development of societies, understanding how historical events are related, analyzing primary and secondary sources, and making evidence-based connections between history and our current world.
Approaches to Teaching and Learning in History
Inquiry and essential questions
DBQ (Document-Based Question) Project materials
Primary and secondary sources
Current events: connecting the past and present
Skills such as research, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration
In Grade 7 DBi, students learn to use the following DBi Lab tools and processes–TinkerCAD, 3D printing, Adobe Illustrator, and laser cutting to create projects for two collaborations: The Remembrance Project with History and the STEAM Fair with Science. An emphasis at this level is on 2D and 3D design. Students design and build 3D models and objects, applying these skills to make historical memorials and science-based prototypes. The course combines technical learning with creative problem-solving across different subjects.
Approaches to Teaching and Learning in DBi
Design thinking process
Authentic, real-world design problems and projects
Use of analog and digital tools
Collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication
In Grade 7 Music, students focus on playing and composing melodies as part of the ukulele curriculum. Starting by playing songs with just a few notes and rhythmic concepts, students gradually incorporate a greater number of notes and rhythmic concepts until they are able to play complex melodies. Once they are able to play the notes and rhythms, students begin to compose melodies using the ukulele and music notation software. They learn about melodic structure, lyric writing, and repetition, and apply these concepts to their original compositions. Peers learn to play each other’s pieces then evaluate them based on specific aesthetic criteria. At the end of the year, students collaborate (in small groups) on the composition, rehearsal and performance of original, full-length pop songs that they play on ukulele and sing. In seventh grade, students also learn about the history of the Blues through critical listening, discussion, and films about the tradition. In the fall, students choose a song democratically, rehearse it as a class, and then perform it at Generations Day and the Winter Concert.
Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Art
Exploration of songs from diverse cultures
Musical expression through a variety of instruments including voice and and the ukulele
The Middle School Advisory Program at Redwood Day supports students’ social emotional learning and development and helps students navigate and flourish within their three years of middle school. Grade 7 students continue in the same advising groups from Grade 6 and have daily touch points with their advisors: during homeroom time, every afternoon before dismissal, during an advisory period that meets twice within an eight-day cycle, and occasional study halls. The Grade 7 dean leads the seventh grade advising team to prepare a curriculum that supports social emotional learning at this level and helps students navigate through the years of middle school. In Grade 7, the advisory program continues focusing on community building and social emotional growth. Advisories stay together for all three years of middle school.