PGA Officer Descriptions

The Redwood Day Parent Guardian Association officers are composed of current Redwood Day parent and guardian volunteers, who work closely with the Director of Advancement and Associate Director of Advancement in consultation with the Head of School. Please see a detailed description of the officer positions below.
Role Description
Co-Presidents Manage the PGA programs to meet the objectives of the PGA. Preside over and set the agenda for PGA meetings. Represent the PGA at Redwood Day key events, including but not limited to Fall Festival, Generations Day, Auction Party, Fun Run, etc. Limited speaking role at LS New Student Orientation, MS Orientation, Back to School Night, and Auction. Collaborates with the VPs and the School to select recipients of the PGA Faculty and Staff Grant Program. Serve as Ex-Officio Members of the Board of Trustees and attend monthly meetings, Trustee Retreat, and Trustees Day. Ideally have served as Officers for at least one year prior to becoming Co-Presidents. Serve as an officer in a limited advisory capacity as President Emeritus the year following presidency.
Co Vice-Presidents Work alongside the Presidents as trainees and advisors. In the absence of or by request of the Presidents, assume leadership of the PGA. Represent the PGA at Redwood Day key events. Collaborate with the Presidents and the School to select recipients of the PGA Faculty and Staff Grant Program. Ideally will step into the Co-President role the year following the vice presidency.
Middle School Co-Coordinators Help recruit, train, and give ongoing support to the Middle School Room Parent team. Ascertain how best to support the Middle School in collaboration with Administration. Respond to questions about the PGA and develop strategies to increase parent participation and community involvement. Plan the fall Middle School Mixer with support from the Room Parents. In partnership with the LS Co-Coordinators: facilitate Room Parent Orientation; set up and help manage Sign Up Genius to support the work of the Room Parents; oversee the Nominating Committee process, including the formation of the Nominations Committee; plan the PGA Hello, Goodbye event in the spring; plan the all-school potluck after Step Up. 
Lower School Co-Coordinators Help recruit, train and give ongoing support to the Lower School Room Parent team. Ascertain how to best support the Lower School in collaboration with Administration. Respond to questions about the PGA and develop strategies to increase parent participation and community involvement. Plan the fall Lower School Mixer with support from the Room Parents. In partnership with the MS Co-Coordinators: facilitate Room Parent Orientation; set up and help manage Sign Up Genius to support the work of the Room Parents; oversee the Nominating Committee process, including the formation of the Nominations Committee; plan the PGA Hello, Goodbye event in the spring; plan the all-school potluck after Step Up. 
Financial Coordinator Serves as the point person for Room Parents regarding their class/grade level budgets, specifically the collection and allocation of Lower and Middle School Teacher's Funds. Organizes budgeting tools for Room Parents and sends timely reminders about faculty gift-giving. 
President Emeritus Serves in an advisory role to the Presidents and the PGA as a whole. Provides insight and advice as a knowledgeable member of the PGA. Attends PGA meetings and events and, upon request, assists officers in performing their roles. 

In addition, all officers:
  • Attend PGA meetings and all PGA activities and events as they can, acting as ambassadors for the PGA and the School.
  • Serve as a liaison to at least one committee, helping recruit volunteers with the support of the Room Parents. Must attend at least one planning meeting for each committee and give updates on the committee at PGA Meetings in the absence of a co-chair.
  • Participate as a member of the Nominations Committee to help recruit, communicate with, and place PGA officers and committee chairs for the following school year.