Students in Grade 2 spend the year learning about a variety of subjects including core curriculum, world language, arts, athletics and much more. For a sample of student projects and units of study, click on the boxes below and see our curriculum go further.

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    In Grade 2 Math, students build upon their knowledge and skills of mathematics. This knowledge and skill is developed through the pedagogy of the Singapore Math framework through the Math in Focus curriculum, which emphasizes concept mastery, a concrete-pictorial-abstract approach, metacognitive reasoning, and the use of model drawing to solve problems and justify solutions. Math learning at this level emphasizes triple digit addition and subtraction, problem solving, measurement using the metric and customary systems, and an introduction to multiplication and division. Concepts and skills are developed through hands-on instruction and practice.
    Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Math
    • Singapore Math approach and framework through Math in Focus
    • Concrete-pictorial-abstract approach 
    • The use of model drawing (bar models) to solve problems and justify solutions 
    • Hands-on activities and practice
    • Metacognitive thinking: monitoring and using mathematical thinking
    • Application of skills to problem-solving situations
    • Solving non-routine problems to become flexible problem-solvers
    • Explore concepts more deeply and justify reasoning in extension/enrichment and other problem-solving activities 
    • Differentiation through small group instruction, hands-on projects, math games, extension and enrichment problems and activities
    • Real-world connections
    • Optimal Learning Zone practices

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    In science in Grade 2, students engage in science investigations where they pose questions, observe patterns and scientific phenomenon, make predictions, and communicate what they observe with others. The science learning in second grade helps students formulate answers to questions such as: What are the properties of earth materials? What evidence do natural processes leave behind as they shape the Earth? How do properties of solid and liquid materials relate to how they can be used and how they can change? What do plants need to grow? How do plants depend on animals? Learning is centered on hands-on investigations using the Full Option Science Systems (FOSS) materials.
    Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Science
    • Inquiry-based learning
    • Science and Engineering Practices
    • FOSS (Full Option Science System) hands-on investigations
    • STEAM connections
    • Science notebooks
    • Real-world phenomena
    • Optimal Learning Zone practices

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    In music in second grade, creating, performing, and expressing music are integrated as students continue to develop the building blocks of music literacy. In each lesson they explore rhythm, melody, harmony, and form while exploring a diverse repertoire of music through singing, playing instruments, dancing, and listening. Students read, write, and perform simple rhythmic patterns, such as ostinato, and begin to identify pitches through solfege and Curwen hand signs. Second graders also study rhythm, beat, and rhythmic values through stick notation which is used to compose rhythm combinations. Second graders have Music two times during each eight-day cycle rotation. 
    Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Music
    • Exploration of songs from diverse cultures 
    • Musical expression through a variety of instruments including voice and barred instruments
    • Exploration and expression of music through movement
    • Literature connections
    • Using and caring for musical instruments 
    • Cross-disciplinary connections 
    • Technology tools
    • Optimal Learning Zone practices

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    The Garden to Table program aims to create curious eaters and growers by promoting intentional interactions with the natural world. It also aims to develop empathy for animal and plant life where students become community stewards and responsible global citizens. The program provides hands-on opportunities where young cooks and gardeners cultivate curiosity by exploring food systems and grow as lifelong learners. 
    In Grade 2, cooks and gardeners deepen their understanding of our connected food system, they observe the life cycles of animals and plants, and they provide habitats for them to grow and thrive. Beginning cooks learn and practice knife skills and identify the five tastes while engaging in projects that connect to the core classroom. The Garden to Table classroom is an indoor/outdoor space where all learners have access and agency, and where cross-disciplinary connections make learning multi-dimensional. Second graders learn in the garden and kitchen twice during each eight-day cycle rotation.
    Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Garden to Table
    • Learning guided by inquiry:
      • How does history, geography, and ecology inform cuisine?
      • What is our responsibility as producers and consumers?
      • Where does our food come from?
      • How is food produced, consumed, and disposed of?
      • How can skills and tools connect me to food?
    • Cross-disciplinary connections
    • STEAM project learning
    • Hands-on learning in the kitchen and garden
    • Indoor and outdoor classroom spaces
    • Optimal Learning Zone practices

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    Second graders, in English Language Arts, build on foundational reading skills, develop fluency and expression, and build their comprehension skills and strategies including comparing and contrasting, determining the main idea, and inferring. In book club groups, students engage in discussions about individual books where they gain exposure to rich texts and develop literate lives. Second graders delve further into the writing process where their writing becomes longer and more organized as they learn to develop and structure their ideas. At this level, students begin to locate information from reference materials to generate written reports and oral presentations. Fostering an appreciation for poetry is also a component of English Language Arts in Grade 2. Second graders are additionally introduced to keyboarding and learn to write in cursive. 
    Approaches to Teaching and Learning in English Language Arts
    • Collaborative Classroom’s Being a Reader and Being a Writer 
    • Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words (SIPPS) reading foundations curriculum
    • Relevant, diverse, engaging texts
    • Genre studies
    • Author’s craft
    • Book clubs
    • Whole class read alouds, discussion and instruction 
    • Independent reading
    • Science of reading
    • Library visits
    • Writing process
    • Relevant contexts, purposes, and audiences for writing
    • Reading-writing connections
    • Integrated grammar skills and conventions
    • Small group differentiated instruction
    • Zaner-Bloser handwriting
    • Typing Club keyboarding
    • Optimal Learning Zone practices

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    Grade 2 Spanish
    In second grade Spanish, students build on the semester-long introductions to Spanish in Kindergarten and First Grade to build a foundation for year-long language learning and acquisition. Using comprehensible input, second grade students take a deeper look at vocabulary for emotions, animals, days of the week, weather, colors and body parts. They continue practicing high frequency verbs in the first, second and third person through oral and written activities. While reading is not emphasized, students read short passages, and listening comprehension is assessed through art and short responses. Cultural topics are intertwined with language learning. Second graders attend Spanish three times during each eight-day cycle rotation across the school year.
    Grade 2 Mandarin
    In second grade, in Mandarin, students build on the semester-long introductions to Mandarin in Kindergarten and First Grade and continue to acquire and discover the tonal language of Mandarin. Emphasis is placed on listening, viewing, and demonstrating comprehension by using Mandarin in basic greetings, commonly used expressions, introductory conversation, simple expressions of feelings, numbers, colors, common foods, common animals, and family members, as well as responding to simple questions. In grade 2 Mandarin, students are introduced to Pinyin and character stroke order. Cultural topics are intertwined with language learning. Second graders attend Mandarin three times during each eight-day cycle rotation across the school year.
    Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Spanish and Mandarin
    • Comprehensible input
    • Total Physical Response (TPR) techniques
    • Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling (TPRS)
    • Plays and role-playing
    • Singing and games
    • Technology tools
    • Guided writing
    • Assessment through illustration
    • Choral response
    • Optimal Learning Zone practices

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    The Lower School library program and space invites students to explore ideas and interests, gather and enjoy individual and communal activities, engage in inquiry and research that supports the curriculum, and experience the joy of reading. Lower School students attend library classes once every eight-day cycle where they are exposed to rich, diverse texts, have the opportunity to explore and select books, and learn the fundamentals of information literacy as part of a developmental continuum.
    Our second graders gain important digital citizenship skills and learn responsible, safe, and healthy use of technology through once-a-month classes taught by our technology specialist in the core classroom.
    Approaches to Learning in the Library/Information Literacy
    • Exposure and access to a diverse, relevant library collection
    • Exploration and pursuit of individual interests
    • Promoting and supporting the joy of reading
    • Care and responsibility for communal space and texts 
    • Common Sense Media digital citizenship lessons
    • Cross-disciplinary curriculum connections
    • Inquiry and research skills and process
    • Co-creation of learning and sharing of ideas in the library
    • Optimal Learning Zone practices

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    Second grade students build on their DBi learning in first grade to go deeper into the design thinking process in the DBi Lab. They learn about the engineering design cycle as they engage in engineering challenges such as a tower building challenge, an earthquake safe building challenge, and a design thinking project where builders and innovators use skills of empathy to design, plan, and build a lunch box. Students work in the DBi Lab ten times within a semester of learning.

    Approaches to Teaching and Learning in DBi
    • Design thinking process
    • Authentic, real-world design problems and projects
    • Analog and digital tools
    • Collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and communication 
    • Project-based learning
    • Cross-disciplinary learning
    • Optimal Learning Zone practices

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    In second grade social studies, students explore cultures and traditions, their local Oakland community, citizenship, and map reading skills. Additionally, students explore identity through the study of influential people throughout history. Learning and explorations occur through a multi-modal, interdisciplinary approach that includes integrating reading, art, discussion, media, and hands-on experiences including field trips.
    Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Social Studies
    • Inquiry and essential questions:
      • How do present and past historical experiences influence an individual’s perspective?
      • How do we see resilience throughout history? 
      • How does the past inform the present?
      • What is the individual’s responsibility to one’s community?
      • What does an inclusive community look and feel like?
    • Service learning
    • Current events
    • Community building and celebrations
    • Field trips
    • Optimal Learning Zone practices

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  • ART

    Lower School Art is where students explore and express their creativity through a variety of mediums and study artists from diverse backgrounds. Learning is fluid and philosophically rooted in the idea that all children are artists and that growth comes from continuous practice, experimentation, and reflection. Second graders explore Mexican folk art, Asian American contemporary art and artists, Yayoi Kusama’s influence on fashion, and the collage artist, Romare Bearden. Students engage in a variety of art projects including creating animal sculptures and making collagraph prints, and they learn about the American artist and activist, Keith Haring. Second graders have Art two times during each eight-day cycle rotation.  
    Approaches to Teaching and Learning in Art
    • Diverse artist explorations
    • Expression of creativity through a variety of mediums 
    • Literature connections
    • Using and caring for art studio tools 
    • Interdisciplinary STEAM project learning 
    • Art reflection, response, and interpretation
    • Optimal Learning Zone practices

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    Second graders, in PE, are encouraged to embrace challenges and learn from their experiences while developing skills of teamwork, communication, and sense of fair play. At this level, students become proficient in fundamental manipulative, locomotor (running, hopping, skipping) and non-locomotor (bending, twisting, turning) skills. This age group is also beginning to understand the benefits of physical activity for sustaining good health, thus, students engage in a wide variety of activities and games all of which are designed to promote good health, confidence, and a physically active lifestyle. Second graders have Physical Education three times during each eight-day cycle.
    Approaches to Teaching and Learning in PE
    • Cooperative learning
    • Community and team building
    • Variety of games and activities 
    • Learning stations
    • Indoor and outdoor learning/playing spaces
    • Social-emotional skills development
    • Inclusive, equitable learning environments
    • A wide array of equipment to support skills acquisition
    • Optimal Learning Zone practices

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    In Grade 2, DEIB concepts are developed across the academic program including within Social Emotional Learning, Morning Meetings, and within Equity and Inclusion groups that focus on developing students’ identities and their roles within the Redwood Day community. At this level, students continue building upon their understanding of racial and gender identity through the exploration of justice and change-makers. Students also use this learning to make strong connections to other disciplines, namely in social studies and literature. DEIB learning is aligned to the Learning for Justice Anti-Bias Framework and Social Justice Standards.
    Approaches to Teaching and Learning in DEIB
    • Inquiry
    • Cross-disciplinary connections
    • Supporting texts and read-alouds 
    • Discussions and role-plays
    • Guest speakers
    • Student-driven presentations
    • Community engagement
    • Optimal Learning Zone practices

Curriculum Guide - Grade 2